Academic Performance
At ISB, we are committed to developing students who have the capacity to learn throughout their lives. Our inquiry-based curriculum is focused not just on learning content for the purpose of examinations, but on growing the skills and dispositions to apply what is learned to a range of new and unfamiliar situations.
Sometimes, parents are anxious that this approach is unfamiliar, compared to how they were taught in school. They worry that students who learn in this way underperform on tests and examinations. However, research and our own experience suggests that this is not the case. In fact, a large body of research demonstrates that students who engage in concept-based learning achieve equally well or slightly better on most standardised tests, but significantly outperform students in more traditional classrooms on tasks requiring more complex problem-solving and on unfamiliar tasks where they need to transfer ideas to new contexts.
ISB, we believe our learners are challenged when they are striving towards models of excellence, and are stretched in ways that are personal, relevant and aspirational, resulting in high engagement and persistence.
ISB Academic Performance
ISB’s own academic results on external assessments, as summarised below, shows that our approach achieves a strong performance compared to more traditional approaches.