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ISB Athletics

ISB Athletics started in the late 1950s when a group of ISB student-athletes had the opportunity to play against the Harlem Globetrotters, who were on tour in Europe during the 1958-59 school year. Today the programme has grown into one of Europe’s largest and most respected athletics programmes.

ISB offers 15 sports and has 53 competitive teams. It is the only school in Belgium to offer American Football, Lacrosse, Field Hockey, Baseball, Softball, and a full programme for boys Volleyball. Many students choose to be “3 sport athletes” choosing one sport from each season. Other students may specialise in one sport and play that season at ISB and then at one of the many sports clubs in the Brussels area.

2024-25 Athletics Season Calendar

International School of Brussels campus

Raiders Academy

Raiders Academy is an extension athletic programme run by the Raiders Athletics Department. The aim of the programme is to provide a pathway for selected student-athletes aspiring to take their athletic performance and understanding to the next level. The programme guides student-athletes in becoming healthier, more informed, more skilled, and more capable. The programme implements a holistic approach towards developing students' understanding of themselves and their athletic potential. Aspects such as nutrition, strength and conditioning, time management, and personal skills make up some of the programme's focus.


Competitive Teams


Different Sports to Choose From


ISST Championship titles won by student athletes

ISB students are sitting around the table and working on their projects

Join the Red Machine

ISB Athletes compete and play at four levels:
  1. Varsity (V) – Competitive (grades 10-12)
  2. Junior Varsity (JV) – Competitive/Instructional (grades 9-10)
  3. U14 A/B/C teams – Instructional (grades 6-8)
  4. Developmental Team Players (grades 6-12)

Swimming is offered from grade 3 and Cross Country, Tennis, and Track and Field from grade 5.

For young athletes we partner with the Brussels Sports Association which provides competitive team sports opportunities in Soccer, Lacrosse, Basketball and Baseball.


ISB is a Proud Partner of Belgium’s Special Olympics.

The ISB “Special O’s team” is open to all intensive learning support students from Grade 3 to Grade 12. The team practises weekly from November through May to prepare for the Belgian National Special Olympic Games which take place annually over the Ascension Holiday weekend in May. At the National Games, the athletes participate in a variety of track and field events, along with the equestrian competition. The annual “Special O’s Send Off” is one of the highlights on the ISB calendar.

Our Athletics Facilities

ISB has some of the finest athletic facilities for international schools in Europe. Through our unique campus setting, we are able to provide excellent and varied facilities for our athletes. There are two fields for a variety of sports, an athletics track, two indoor gyms, a fitness centre, an indoor climbing wall, and a tennis bubble with two courts. Surrounded by a forest, we are also able to train in nature through some of the best trails in Belgium. Through our partnership with VUB University, we offer swimming in their state of the art facilities