We are happy to announce ISB's Strategy Playbook! Read below:
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All applicants must note the following Terms and Conditions of application.
1. The enrolment of a new student (hereafter called First Enrolment) will only be taken into consideration and processed by the International School of Brussels (ISB), (hereafter School) upon receipt of (a) a completed online Application Form which is available on the School’s website www.isb.be, (b) the documents requested in the Application Form, and (c) the payment of the fee (hereafter called Application Fee). The amount of the Application is published on the School’s website.
2. The requested start date of the new student must be indicated on the online Application Form. The start date can be at the beginning of the school year, which typically starts the last week of August and ends the last week of June (hereafter School Year) or at any other date during the School Year (hereafter Start Date). The School will decide the grade and Start Date of all new students.
3. The School has no obligation to admit a student who applies for a First Enrolment, and is not obliged to justify its decision.
4. The First Enrolment is subject to availability. A waiting list is established when the School is unable to determine if a place will be available on the requested Start Date. If a place is not available 60 days after the requested Start Date, the parents may cancel the application and request a 100% refund of the Application fee for the student on the waiting list.
5. The First Enrolment is conditional upon the parental submission of all required information and documentation, including the student’s Health and Permission Form.
6. The enrolment of a student constitutes an agreement between the School and the parents, valid for the period of enrolment (hereafter Acceptance Confirmation).
7. The School has the right to suspend the student from attending School for a period of not more than 30 calendar days if the student does not respect the School’s rules of behaviour as mentioned in the Student Handbooks. The Student Handbooks are available on the Community Portal. The suspension does not affect the Acceptance Confirmation or the parent’s financial obligations towards the School.
8. The School has the right to terminate the Acceptance Confirmation with immediate effect, leading to the immediate exclusion of the student from the School, in case the student/the parents do not respect the School’s rules of behaviour as mentioned in the Student Handbooks. The Student Handbooks are available on the Community Portal. The notice shall be given in writing without any recourse to the courts and without any damages whatsoever to the student/the parents.
9. In the case of a student receiving Learning Support, as described in Part Three of the School’s Admissions Policy, the School has the right to terminate the Acceptance Confirmation without any recourse to the courts and without any damages whatsoever to the student/the parents should: (a) the parents fail to disclose information relevant to learning and emotional issues that affect the learning abilities of the student; (b) the parents fail to collaborate in following up the recommendations of the School (i.e. assessments, counselling, additional therapies); (c) the School considers it is no longer able to meet the student’s needs. In each of the aforementioned cases, the decision to terminate the Acceptance Confirmation is taken by the School. The School will inform the parents in writing within a reasonable notice period.
10. Subject to updating of the child’s Health and Permission Form, students who were enrolled in the previous School Year are automatically enrolled for the next School Year.
11. The School reserves the right to delay the student’ s Start Date until the Health and Permission Form has been updated or any other medical and permission information has been received.
12. In case of parents deciding not to enroll the student for the following School Year, the leaving form must be completed on the portal and returned to School no later than 15 May of the preceding School Year.
13. Parents failing to pay the full tuition fees and any other invoices for a specific School Year will be notified in writing that they will not be eligible to re-enroll their children for the following School Year before arrears are paid in full.
14. Parents will also be notified that the School may, at its sole discretion, hold back any school record such as but not limited to a student’s report cards, transcripts, diplomas, photos, school attendance certificates or any other information or documents that the School may possess until such arrears have been paid in full. The above actions shall not reduce the debt in any way.
15. The Application Fee must be paid immediately when applying for the First Enrolment. If the application is subsequently withdrawn, 50% of the Application Fee will be refunded.
16. The enrolment of a student for a particular School Year obliges the Customer (company, parents, other family member…) to pay the tuition fees applicable for that particular School Year (hereafter Tuition Fee) in full, before the start of that particular School Year. The student will not be able to attend until the tuition fees are paid in full. The Tuition Fee is specified in the Tuition Fees Schedule, published on the School’s website.
17. Upon request of the parents, the School will review the possibility to send the invoice for Tuition Fees and/or Other Fees due to the School to a third party (company, other family member…). Notwithstanding any payment arrangements between the parents and third parties, the parents remain jointly and severally liable for the full payment of all invoices.
18. Should the student start between September and December of the current School Year, the Full Tuition Fees are due as per the Fee Schedule available on ISB’s website.
19. Should the student start as from January of the current School Year, the School offers an adjusted fee schedule (as per ISB’s website - see section adjustment school fees). If the starting date falls any day during any month as from January of the current year, the Tuition Fee will apply as from the 1st day of that month.
20. The Tuition Fee covers all curricular activities that are a compulsory element in the student’s learning programme.
Additional services not included in the Tuition Fee will be invoiced separately. They include, but are not limited to, the bus service, co-curricular field trips, private music lessons, lunch service, speech therapy, occupational therapy, after school activities, International Baccalaureate fees, equipment repairs. The equipment is the student's full responsibility at all times in regards to loss, theft or damage and you will be liable and invoiced for the costs of repairs and/or replacement.
The School reserves the right to modify the Tuition Fees should this prove to be necessary to reflect increased costs. Any modification of the Tuition Fees shall be published on the School’s website and the student/the parents will be notified in writing.
21. In addition to the Tuition Fee for a particular School Year, the School reserves the right to charge a capital levy (hereafter Capital Levy). The Capital Levy is payable per student regardless of the Start Date of the student during the School Year. The Capital Levy is non-refundable and non-transferable.
22. If the invoice related to the Tuition Fees is sent to the Customer before the beginning of the School Year, the invoice must be paid within 30 calendar days of the invoice date. If the invoice is sent less than 30 days before the Start Date, the invoice must be paid before the Start Date. Invoices related to the Tuition Fees sent after the Start Date must be paid upon receipt.
23. If the student leaves the School before or up to 31 January of the School Year (other than for one of the reasons as set out in Article 8 and 9), the School will reimburse 25% of the Tuition Fee, and the annual Bus Fees where applicable.
24. Invoices related to Other Fees must be paid upon receipt. In the case where parents sign a Single European Payments Area (hereafter “SEPA”), the invoice related to Other Fees will be submitted to the bank for payment within five (5) calendar days following the invoice date.
25. In the event of interruption of the School services due to (a) unsafe weather conditions, (b) force majeure, or (c) any decision of the School management or Board of Trustees, (d) and any decision of any federal, regional or local government or authority to partially or entirely close the School, there will be no refund of the Tuition Fees or any other Fees.
In this document, “force majeure” refers to any cause beyond a party’s control, such as, but not limited to, “act of God”, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or local authority direction, strikes, accident, fire, flood, storm, natural disaster, pandemic or epidemic of any disease, terrorist attack.
26. The equipment is your full responsibility at all times in regards to loss, theft or damage and you will be liable and invoiced for the costs of repairs and / or replacement.
27. The School provides a special programme that offers the possibility to apply, if certain criteria are met, for a reduced Tuition Fee (hereafter called Financial Aid Programme) or Scholarships.
28. The criteria and the application procedure for Financial Aid are published on the School’s website.
29. ISB complies with applicable data protection regulations, notably the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 and the Belgian act of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data. The School’s Privacy Notice explains how we collect and use personal data, who we share it with and the ways in which we protect your privacy while doing so as well as your rights of access.
30. The use of your image, and that of your children on official School media is governed by applicable law and your responses to the ISB Photo Consent form that can be found via the Community Portal.
31. These Terms and Conditions apply from the moment the parents submit an application for a First Enrolment until the student is no longer enrolled in the School and all outstanding issues between the School and the parents related to the student’s enrolment are settled. These Terms and Conditions apply to each Acceptance Confirmation entered into between the School and the parents.
32. These Terms and Conditions as well as the Acceptance Confirmations to which they apply will be governed by Belgian law. All disputes related to these Terms and Conditions and Acceptance Confirmations to which they apply, shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Brussels.
33. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision(s) of these Terms and Conditions shall in no way affect the validity or enforcement of any other provision(s) or any part thereof.